Life is so uncertain..
..Nobody knows about tomorrow.. !
If we understand what will be happen
the next day then no need to
worried, because all have been
known before ..
Uncertainty is a measure of variety. Uncertainty increases with both the number of categories and their equal probability.
It is the statistically defined descrepency between a measured quantity and the
true value of that quantity that cannot be corrected by calculation or calibration.
At a certain age, we're always uncertain how other people will take us.
What was happen in our life is everything going unpredictably, as we do not
believe what will happening to us.
Need a faith, living with uncertainty is feeling our way through life and letting
our heart guide us like a lentern in the dark. It is better to understand a little
than misunderstand a lot, as maturity of minds is the capacity to endure
To be a good human being is to have

ability to trust uncertain things beyond
our own control, that can lead us to
be shatered in very extreme
circumstances for which we were
not to blame. That says something
very important about the condition
of the ethical life, that it is based
on a trust in the uncertain and on
a willingness to be exposed, it's
based on being more like a plant
than like a jewel, something rather
fragile, but whose very particular
beauty is inseparable from that
At a time, when we experience something we will never considerate before,
it could be that we're disappointed, feel down, maybe even feel guilty ..
we feel it's all happened suddenly, without feel ready, and we blamed
ourselves.. there's something wrong with us..
But actually, what we think is not definitely a real answer ..
Anything can happen to all people, everything is possible to everyone,
All things good or bad will be experienced by anyone..
The question now is ..are we ready for what is going to happen ?
What would we do to face of it all? and how do we deal with it ?
What are we gonna say to the uncertain condition ..
We can state that we're fine when it will be coming to us,
But, is the situation really do like that..?
A friend once said : I lost everything that I ever had without I ever
imagine before. Everything went so fast without I can not control,
and without any preparation at all, I had to rise again..
the situation become very difficult where I found that I had to get up
alone, feeling a deep of sadness, high depression and confusion into one,
everything become disorderly, and I was falling down, being weak and
not too strong to dealing with it alone.
The other friend said : She came to my life and she had stolen my heart,
I am not being able to stop it. I never imagined it would come to this situation,
and never expect it would happened to me at that time. I can't say much more,
because it happens beyond my control. All goes without I have ever
planned, and I feel guilty.
Whatever the situation, it shows that we never realize until it really
happens to us. As we go through life earnestly, a lot of things can
happen in it. It can be either a positive or negative thing..
what most important is everyone should be able to do everything in
well, and of course good for one purpose.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything..
even for something that is uncertain.
let the scared of uncertainty die now, let's get a high out of it..
A popular man ever said : Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while
first. Asked questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart.
..So, follow your heart, because if you always trust your mind, you'll
always act on logic, as logic doesn't always lead to HAPPINESS..
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