Thursday, April 26, 2012

When the Love Comes

When the Love Comes
At we sat on the beach together 
Close to your hand holding my body
The waves view at a distance
The birds fly over our heads
It was a sunny day..

We hugged and laugh together
Many stories that seem hard to stopped
It feels your hand never left my shoulder
We're so close and getting closer
As don't want to be parted

I whispered to myself..
If this would be ended
I always wanted to remember
My heart peace, my soul comfort
Everytime  I'm with you

It's hard to say by mouth
It feels locked up very closely 
My heart, who can only to speak
..Who also never lie
Although you have never heard it

Now the time comes
When all things had to passed on
As nobody can hold it off
When we're both put our hand up
Our eyes, the only who talks 

Love trumps everything
Love sacrifice everything
Love blinds everything
Love covers everything
..but, love was not able to change the destiny 

I  know your hearts and minds 
As good as you may know me
In the bottom of our deepest heart
There is one word that sticks to the eternal
"This true love will never die.. "

I pray for you as well as for me
For the love that we had
To keep it immortal, always and forever
As not dead by time and age
For I put it in my heart forever, in eternity..


Monday, April 16, 2012

Pain Makes Us Stronger

Life is a pain, the other side of happiness..


# Pain makes you stronger, tears makes you braver, heartbreaks makes 
you wiser..So, thank the past for a better future #

If we are a possitive person, pain is just a challenge that colours our life. Be like 
an egg, soft inside when it's cold, but become hard inside when it's hot. This 
mean, we will become stronger than usual. It's depends on how a certain person 
think's, it can make us stronger or weaker. As long as the world is still there, as a 
human, we are still facing pain in life.

The true nature of pain is a kind of 
blessing. When we avoids pain, we avoids 
growth. As our life grows harder and harder as we get old, if our mind are not practiced to that kind of level, that’s when we broke from the life’s norm, true nature of human nature, and the reality which in result produces negative consequences. 

True nature of human is doing challenge, we get bored as our challenge become 
easier and easier to do, we search for harder challenge. 

Life is a game. The ability to see pain as a kind of blessing rather than just a 
blessing in disguise will make us a stronger person.

The pain is the other side of happiness. In all cases, pain forces us to look at 
ourselves and find the reason of it. This word makes a large number of people 
frightened. Even a thought of pain forces to get some discomfort in the soul. 
We have to deal with pain to find happiness, we have to deal with pain to 
find us, we become stronger with each bad day, bad relationship, bad past, 
just everything bad. We can make it all better in the end  just by learning 
from it all. 

Realized that good comes out all of bad. Grieving and heartache means we are filled with love. By accepting these feelings instead of wanting to push them aside we are opening ourselves to more love and good feelings.  

It will also prepare us in dealing with future situations that bring sorrow.
Using this fact will help us to grow, even during our heartache.
Pain and sorrow are a transisition to new opportunities..

We know that life changes rapidly and unexpectedly. Dealing with loss is a period of transition. It's a period of transition to new  and greater things.

Learn to welcome pain, heartache and loss is not easy. Grieving allows 
us to get more in touch with ourselves. Most people would want to get
rid of the bad feelings as quickly as possible in order to jump right back
to happiness. We’ll distract ourselves any which way like connecting more
to our computers and phones, or maybe even resort to drug and alcohol
abuse. No one wants to feel these feelings, but when they do come
(because they will) they can really help you to be more in touch with
yourself, which leads to more learning and greater opportunities.

When it's over, we will have a new and 
better outlook on life.  Pain, heartache
and loss will always be a part of our
lives and is some times unavoidable.
But I hope that we can all realize the
good that can still come out these
times. It’s up to you to make the
change and take the reigns to your
feelings. But when you do, it will
surely change our life for the better.

People have always needed to find meaning in their pain. When the suffering is caused by their actions, some rationalize it by saying, "It's God's will," or  "It made me stronger." If the misfortune isn’t of one's own making, people still like to find some purpose that the pain served. This tendency is probably less prevalent than it used to be, because in the past our culture was more concerned with survival and independence. Therefore, pain is sometimes such an uncomfortable feeling that even a tiny amount of it is enough to ruin every enjoyment.

It might be pain reaches the heart with electrical speed, but truth moves to the heart as slowly as glacier..
Pain is life -- the sharper, the more evidence of life. Pain happens to everyone, to grow up, to fulfill our potential, to develop into what God wants us to be, this process takes support. No one succeeds alone. Pain is a root of knowledge, learn to run when feeling the pain, then push harder.

Remember, No gains without pains..

# I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or 
bad fortune may come our way, we can always give it meaning and 
transform it into something of value #

 Does the pain makes us stronger ..?

..the answer is Yes, that’s what I believe..


Friday, April 6, 2012

If you Love HIM

Life is a sincere love ..

"The greatest way to let a person know that you love them is to give your 
undivided attention, and to be fully present when they're around. Put away 
the never-ending work, put aside the hobby, turn off the TV, and find time 
to spend together, just being".

How many from us who can not describe of love meaning ?

When we love someone, we love seeing them happy, and nothing exhibits
happiness like genuine laughter. So, be laid back, lighthearted, and playful.
See how many times in one day we can make the person smile or laugh.
It's especially great to try and make someone laugh when they're not
supposed to laugh.

Wherever we are, whether at the dinner table seated opposite one another, 
or across the auditorium, try connect and send one another love. Similarly 
with listening, when we sincerely listen to someone, we're not only opening 
our ears, but we're also opening our heart . By emphatizing , we will strengthen 
our connection and deepen our love..

When we love someone,  there is nothing we can't do, everything is 
possible, all things seems available to do..
We can do anything where other people doubt it, we say Yes when 
they're No, All looks great to be done !

However, would it be so as well if we love HIM ? 

How much we've hurt Him? How deep our love to Him ? How often do 
we spend some time with Him? How do we adore Him? How much of 
our effort to find Him? and..What's wonderful words that we say to Him?

Do all that we do earnestly as to a boy or girl friend ..?

Or what we do to Him is more than what we do to them? 

Friends, His love for us selflessly, no one else can do like He does, so 
deep, sincere.. until He is willing to sacrifice died on the cross, to 
redeem us, and to safe our soul. Isn't that a great love ?

Love Poem :

Since the day we first met,
I knew it was love,
God answered my prayers,
You came down from above...

You gave me your heart,
and taught me to trust,
for the first time ever,
it was more than just lust.

Your sweet loving words,
are not to be compared,
I am forever your partner,
my soul I have bared...

Every day I wake up,
with a smile a mile long,
I know that we are solid,
I know that we are strong.

So never put into question,
my feelings being true,
because I have found my one and only,
And I will always love You.

Does the content of a poem above that we direct to Him ? 

Does our love to Him more than a love to our friends, family, even our 
spouse ?

John 14 : 21 -- "Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the 
one who loves Me. He who loves Me will be loved by my Father, and I 
too will love him and show Myself to him."   

John 14 : 23 -- "Jesus replied, "If anyone loves Me, he will obey My 
teaching. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make 
Our home with  him".

If we love Him - Do not show our love by grief at our departure merely;
or by profession, but by obedience. Keep the commandments - This is the
only proper evidence of love to Jesus, for mere profession is no proof of
love; but that love for Him which leads us to do all His will, to love each
other, to deny ourselves, to take up our cross, and to follow Him through
evil report and through good report, is true attachment.

The evidence which we have that a child loves its parents is when that
child is willing, without hesitation, gainsaying, or complaining, to do all
that the parent requires him to do. So the disciples of Christ are required
to show that they are attached to Him supremely by yielding to all His
requirements, and by patiently doing His will in the face of ridicule and

If we love Him, we'll keep His commandments.
He loves Christ rightly who obeys his commandment: and because
obedience to Christ is accompanied with an infinite type and amount of
miseries, although He is absent in body, yet He comforts His own with
the present power of the Holy Spirit, Whom the world despises, because
it does not know Him.

So, do we love HIM ..???

..Obedience is the fruit of love...