Giving such motivational to young people is always interesting..
To have opportunity to get together with them
would be the best time to share everything in life..
especially when we can provide them with a such
motivational things..
especially when we can provide them with a such
motivational things..
There will be a knowledge they would take, and it was very happy to see each of
them when they can take it all in good..
Below is the material that I've brought on 11 Feb 2012 at the Seventh Day Adventist Kemang Pratama Church, on Youth Program.
The Power Of Character -- Success Through Character
Character is different with Personality and Temperament.
Character : The strength to survive in a difficlut times.
Personality : The response which we show when we are in the midst of
the crowd.
A good character known through the correct response while dealing
with pressure, challanges, and difficulties.
The 4 tipe of Men's Character :
Character that have a good quality is the response that is tested multiple
times and has resulted a victory.
The test can be a challenge, pressure, difficulties and the things that
we don't really want.1. Basic Temperament -- dominance, steadiness, influence, compliance
2. Belief -- what we believe, paradigm
3. Education -- what we understand, knowledge
4. Motivation -- what we feel, spirit of life
5. Experience -- what we experience, old memories, the pattern of taking
Character that will brings success :
1. Emphaty
2. Resilient
Character was designed instead of creating ..
Someone be able to end up his life in a good condition, he had at least
8 (eight) mentors during his life.
The power of character indeed had actually begun earlier by the servant
of God named Ellen G. White. How to be a young man who had a christianity
on their chracter.
From one of her writings : |
There is always a Hope.
And the Succes is one of our hope and dream in our life. The power of
character is detemined by how we developed our character, there should
be a Character Coach or Character Mentor - liven up a life of Christ, as
we can not grow up by ourselves, need to read the Bible and all good
writings which provided by the servant of God.
Therefore, we will be able to have a character like Him, to become and
perfect like Him.
Thank you !!